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Head mounting type temperature transmitter (RTD only)_R912 (with T990)

Type: R912


Service intended


These transmitters are recommended be used in the situation where the application of RTD signals to carry to a long distance or to guard against the heavy electrical field noise.


The transmitters convert RTD inputs to an analog signal for a direct interface with indicators, recorders, controllers, PLC, DCS systems, and these can be used for a wide range of applications in process control, automatic machinery and hydraulic or pneumatic system design.




■ Two wire 4 - 20 mA current output signal
■ RTD input
■ Measuring range from -50 ~ 400 ℃
■ Fixed range
■ Excellent accuracy and long term stability
■ Low - cost
■ Miniature design



Standard features


Electrical specification


Excitation voltage : 18 ~ 30 V
Load resistance : Max. 500 Ω at 24 V
Influence of excitation : 0.01 % FSO/V
Burnout : Upscale (Approx. 23 mA DC) or Down scale (Approx. 4 mA DC)
Reverse polarity : Protected
Shock resistance : No change in performance after 10Gs for 11ms
Vibration : 5g (10 ~ 2,000 Hz)
Response time (10 ~ 90 %) : ±0.5 seconds
Adjustment range : ±15 % of full scale / Zero and span


Performance specification


Accuracy : ±0.2 % of full scale
Non - linearity : Better than 0.10 % of full scale
Repeatability : Better than 0.05 % of full scale
Long term stability : Better than 0.05 % of full scale per month
Ambient temperature limits : -20 ~ 70 ℃
Ambient humidity limits : 5 ~ 95 % R.H




Measuring element : Pt 100 Ω at 0 ℃




Current output
Electrical connection type : 2-wire technique
Full scale output signal : 20 mA ±0.2 %
Zero measured output : 4 mA ±0.03 %
Other output signals available on request







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Head mounting type temperature transmitter (RTD only)_R912 (with T990)

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